Flowering Plants Visited
by Celastrina argiolus

Celastrina argiolus Cramer: Lycaenidae, Lepidoptera
(observations are from Robertson, Graenicher, Reed, Barrett & Helenurm, Campbell, Fothergill & Vaughn, Lovell, Voss, and Wilhelm & Rericha; this butterfly is the Spring/Summer Azure; because Robertson and Graenicher did not distinguish between the Spring Azure and Summer Azure, their observations are a mixture of both species -- early blooming plants were visited by the Spring Azure, while plants that bloom later were visited by the Summer Azure; the Spring Azure is often referred to as Celastrina ladon Cramer, while the Summer Azure is often referred to as Celastrina neglecta W.H. Edwards)

Acanthaceae: Justicia americana sn (Rb); Anacardiaceae: Rhus glabra [stam sn] (Rb); Apiaceae: Angelica atropurpurea sn (WR), 
Eryngium yuccifolium sn (WR), Pastinaca sativa sn (Rb), Sium suave sn (Rb), Thaspium trifoliatum flavum sn (Rb); Araliaceae: Aralia racemosa sn (Lvl); Asteraceae: Ageratina altissima sn (Rb), Antennaria plantaginifolia [stam sn] [pist sn] (Rb), Aster furcatus sn (Gr), Aster laevis sn (Gr), Aster lanceolatus sn (Rb), Aster lateriflorus sn (Gr), Aster macrophyllus sn (Gr), Aster novae-angliae sn (Gr), Aster prenanthoides sn (Gr), Helianthus strumosus sn (Gr), Rudbeckia laciniata sn (Rb), Rudbeckia subtomentosa sn (Rb), Solidago canadensis sn (Gr), Verbesina alternifolia sn (Rb); Brassicaceae: Barbarea vulgaris sn (WR); Caprifoliaceae: Symphoricarpos albus sn (Gr), Symphoricarpos occidentalis sn (Gr), Symphoricarpos orbiculatus sn (Rb), Viburnum nudum sn (Lvl); Caryophyllaceae: Stellaria media sn (Rb), Stellaria pubera sn (Cmp); Cornaceae: Cornus canadensis sn (BH, Lvl), Cornus foemina sn (FV), Cornus obliqua sn (Rb); Ericaceae: Chamaedaphne calyculata sn (V); Fabaceae: Melilotus alba sn (Rb), Trifolium reflexum sn np (Rb), Trifolium repens sn (Rb, FV); Fumariaceae: Dicentra canadensis sn (V); Grossulariaceae: Ribes missouriense sn np (Rb); Lamiaceae: Agastache foeniculum sn (Re); Liliaceae: Melanthium virginicum sn np (Rb); Polygonaceae: Persicaria hydropiperoides sn (FV); Portulacaceae: Claytonia virginica sn (Cmp); Ranunculaceae: Clematis virginiana [stam sn] (Rb); Rosaceae: Amelanchier spp. sn (V), Crataegus crus-galli sn (Rb); Rubiaceae: Cephalanthus occidentalis sn (Rb); Salicaceae: Salix discolor [unsp sn] (WR), Salix myricoides [unsp sn] (WR); Verbenaceae: Verbena stricta sn (Rb)
