
Insects Feeding
on this Plant:


Pinus nigra
(Austrian Pine) [Pinaceae]
(Observations are from Knight, Blackman & Eastop, Wheeler et al., Cranshaw, ScaleNet)

Coleoptera (Beetles)
Scolytidae: Tomicus piniperda (Common Pine Shoot Beetle) [adults tunnel into tips of twigs, larvae feed in tunnels behind bark] Crw2004

Heteroptera (True Bugs)
Miridae: Pilophorus gracilis Kn1941 WHM1983

Homoptera (Sucking Insects)
Adelgidae: Pineus strobi (Pine Bark Adelgid) [sucks sap from twigs, branches & trunk; Pinus strobus is preferred as a host] Crw2004; Aphididae: Cinara pinea (Pine Aphid) [found on new shoots, introduced into North America from Eurasia] BE2013, Cinara russellae [found on trunks & branches, this aphid is known to occur in Michigan] BE2013, Eulachnus rileyi [found on needles of both Old & New World pines, Austrian Pine is a preferred host; this aphid was introduced into North America from Eurasia] BE2013; Diaspididae:
Chionaspis pinifoliae (Pine Needle Scale) [found on needles; this insect is widely distributed throughout the USA] SN2014, Diaspidiotus mccombi (McComb Pine Scale) [found on needles, usually hidden within their basal sheaths; this insect occurs in Maryland, Pennsylvania, & areas south] SN2014, Dynaspidiotus abietis [this scale insect occurs in many areas of E USA, it was introduced from Eurasia] SN2014

Lepidoptera (Butterflies, Skippers, & Moths)
Pyralidae: Dioryctria zimmermani (Zimmerman Pine Moth) [larvae tunnel through inner bark; Austrian Pine is a preferred host] Crw2004; Tortricidae: Rhyacionia buoliana (European Pine Shoot Moth) [larvae tunnel into buds & young shoots] Crw2004
